Early Intervention

I’ve written before about my strong belief in early intervention.  But, actually, today I’m talking about the formal program, Early Childhood Intervention.  Your Dad and I pay nothing for these services.  Depending on your family income and other factors, there is a “family cost share”, but that amount is covered by our medical insurance.  It is a “state and federally funded” program.  Like Medicaid, or similar social services programs.

At first, I thought maybe this wasn’t the place for us.  We could afford to pay for these services on our own, though obviously that money would come from either our retirement or college savings for the kids (sometimes I view money like the ball under the cup of a street magician – slide the three cups around really fast and guess which one has the ball – lift it up – no? – lets slide them around the table again and move the ball into a different cup).  And I have to say, being a perfectionist, I always wonder if there is something “better” out there.

I’ve spoken with people recently who paid for these services on their own, and in fact, we did meet with a specialist physical therapist who is a PhD and professor, in addition to running her own clinic, and did pay for her services (friend of your Nana and Papa’s).  For various reasons, our insurance did not pay much of that visit.  It’s amazing how freeing it is to obtain the services your child needs, rather than considering the cost/benefit of every visit.  Because, even though we could afford as many visits as she needed, we’d be considering the cost/benefit each and every time.  Adding to our stress.

Right now, Miss M, you receive both physical and speech therapy through these programs.  Physical therapy is once a week, speech therapy is twice a month.  You’ve been in physical therapy for about 7 months, but have just started in speech.  Results from physical therapy, so far, have been fantastic.  Even though you are getting very close to walking, you are still continuing to develop upper body strength because of the therapy.  So, even though you aren’t crawling, I continue to see you become more comfortable and stronger when on your hands and knees!  All of this work will pay off later when you have a strong core and upper body to support your fragile spine.